Nature vs Nurtue

 Recently, while on the bus coming home, (i hate the bus), i sat there minding my own business when out of no where i heard this loud , really disgusting sounding belch behind me. One of the many reasons why, i hate the bus. People are so "queer", and I'm really not a fan about people touching me, and rubbing up against me and just people in general. But i do tolerate it. After hearing the sound about three times , I had to see who was causing me to be that uncomfortable, so i turned around and saw two ladies, two suspects rather, the burp could've come from either but after the culprit let one more loose, i figured it was the one with the warts, judging by her appearance it didn't seem impossible that it could've come from her. Anyway it got me thinking, about Nature vs Nurture, yeah i know kinda random. 
 The concept of Nature vs Nurture, is that despite how you were raised , if it's in your nature , then nature will win. Depending on the type of home you were grown in, it either fostered nature or you were nurtured. It's not as random it seems when you think of it, okay, using the lady on the bus for example, I was thinking that how was she so comfortable with just sitting the way she sat which was, slumped back in the chair, legs slightly open and belching so loudly, it was definitely not lady like. Then i thought of the type of home she might have grown up in, probably the type of home that fosters nature. maybe she wasn't taught how to act in public , or maybe she was but her parents/guardians didn't really impose it, probably it was left 'lay lay' and only to be picked up when going out. But my grandfather always says  'practice fi dance a yaad before yu go abroad'. Which basically means practice makes perfect. Practice proper etiquette or manners at home so it'll come naturally to you, so that whenever you're out it wont be forced, because when we force ourselves to do something in the spur of the moment, often times we forget, or go back to our old ways without even noticing because it's not routine. 
  So I think that nature relies on nurture and vice versa but to everything there are exceptions. In the case where, Nature over rules nurture. I was always taught to have manners and to behave a certain way, but for as long as i can remember, I've never been the most polite nor the most, manner able child. as my great-grandaunt would term it 'Johncrow yu nave dawg mannas". But i can never say that i was not taught to have manners and respect but in my opinion , those things are earned NOT thrown around. So as i began to notice that adults would find it hard to open their mouths to give a response to my chirpy 'good mornings' and 'good afternoon', they soon became quite dry, then they i eventually stopped their production, My grandmother would often get complaints that i had no manners and my parents and aunts and uncles were never like that etc.. that however did not stop me from closing my mouth, keeping a level eye, head titled , nose turned up and walking right pass them like there was no one there, yes i know this is nothing to brag about, or maybe it is. the point is that my nature overruled the nurture. My opinions and ideals are unique to me as they are to everyone so i was the 'bad apple' of the crop if you may. 
  Nurture does overrule nature but if you think about it, technically nature stems from the parents in many cases, it may not be directly but sometimes it is. It's quite often we find that daughters are like their mothers, the son may be like his father, or uncle sometimes even his mother. I think a good book that establishes Nature vs Nurture is Sons and Lovers (cape literature unit 2). But i wont get deep into that novel, way too complex. I know of a girl,  she began dating without her parents permission,  and they found out, it had been her mother's goal to nurture her in such a way that she would not make the same mistakes she did. After they met the guy she was dating, to the mother's surprise the boy was just like the mistake she had made and no matter what they did to keep her away from him, she found her way, later her mother revealed to her that she was just as defiant when her mother tried to talk her out of dating the girl's father, the daughter's behavior was similar to her mom's, so it was proven that despite all the information she had given her, the principles the mother had instilled, the daughter's nature overruled. 
 Not to say that this always happens, nurture will sometimes overrule nature but then again how do we decipher whether the nurturing that was received was not in the child's nature all along. 



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