Mind Behind the Blog.
Hi! I'm writing this in my most bubbly state. I disclosed that bit of info just to hint that there are
many different 'states' that I operate in. Not that everyone doesn't do this but I think I'm extremely far from the usual. These 'states' or moods affect what I write as you'll soon notice I tend to have contradicting views on topics. Weird, I know.
This is the medium I use to express myself and air my views on issues that bother me, among other things, so it doesn't serve on definite purpose as I post on a range of topics. A little bit of everything. I hope that while reading you'll be able to see through my looking glass and understand my standpoint.
I'm a girl with no stable definitions and so I'm unable to list all the adjectives that describe me, but know that I'm spectacular. Of course there are glitches in the system but hey, I'm human right.
Follow me, as I reveal to you the thoughts that swirl around in this head of mine.
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