Life is Really just an exam.  

OK... so I know we've all heard that life is full of tests and whatever.. yh we get that, thank God for that one. So the outcome of all these tests is supposed to be that we find peace or fulfillment or something.But yeah see the thing is, people don't always pass tests. 
   I don't think life is only full of tests but i think it's a really long or rather short exam.  This thought came to me while doing an exam today, this week is the week of my mock exams in preparation for CAPE. lol time can you just chill you don't have to move that fast. Yeah, so I'm a huge procrastinator and what not so i didn't really prepare but I sure wrote those essays. Yes, Law is a pain in my ass but what's done is done. Anyway I got done with time to spare sort of and i sat looking around the room at my classmates, some writing, others sleeping peacefully. My friend sat behind me annoying me with her sniffles and weird sounds...ugh.  
 So back to the point life is an exam, just like exams, we encounter problems whether it's "define and contrast arbitration and mediation"  or it's "Jenny!! The rice is burning!!!" 
They're problems and just like an exam you're expected to solve them, whether you're prepared or not and if you get it wrong well , there's always the opportunity to try again, you may not want to. A lot of persons are against trying again , don't get me wrong, trying the first time and succeeding does feel pretty good, but don't be against trying again.  
 Oh yeah, and like an exam your time will run out boys and girls , so use it carefully and wisely and use all the time you have to keep on trying.  

P.s Give up where necessary, hanging on isn't always the best idea


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