
So, I've been watching Jane the Virgin for the past week, and for those who keep up , the show is a whirlwind, just a lot of different situations spiraling in and out of control. I'd say its a kind of soap opera, like a sub-soap opera if you must, I've also realized how life is like that sometimes, everyone's life has a spiraling moment where things seem unsettled and it's all scattered, and everything you thought was okay, just suddenly isn't and then you wonder, what did you do, what's the mistake. Unfortunately, it either spirals up or down. Left or right. Of course, everyone's life doesn't include getting accidentally artificially inseminated with a rich man's sperm that was meant for his cheating wife trying to trap him into a relationship, by his sister who just caught her wife cheating on her the day before and came to work drunk, who then, after realizing her mistake, called her ex-lover, who's also her step mother. Not to mention, getting pregnant while you're a virgin and engaged to a detective who's working on a case which involves all the people in the aforementioned situation. A whirlwind.
Anyway, we all have our share of dramatic changes and shifts, I mean one day you're at your graduation then the next day you find out your aunt has been killed and your entire family is uprooted and now a new child is the house. That kinda thing. Also, you could find your self in a summer camp one day , meeting new people and making acquaintances which allow you, the next year to be able to live on campus due to the generosity of a past tutor , enabling you to have the best college experience you could fathom. See, these things happen to people, things change, one day you're complaining about how stagnant your life feels and then -boom- you're in Fiji somewhere sipping mimosas. Another thing I've noticed is the pattern in which this life works, when these changes happen, you're often taken aback, shocked and frozen in place while everything seems to be set in motion. Then it all calms down, and you feel as if, it's okay, the change is settling, but there's still something amiss, a sense of disarray still active in the atmosphere, and then I expect, there's a big explosion of the final events, the event that sets everything into place for the next few months, life will be set around that.
It's like for example, I'm at season two and the big explosion for Jane was the baby. Everything changed after she had the baby, and life will continue like that for a while. Once everyone gets used to the change, whatever it is. So I think the key is, recognizing the eye of the hurricane, because it's usually not the eye that does the most damage, it's calm, it has you thinking, things are alright because you may have gotten through the first set of winds successfully, but brace yourself, for the remainder of the hurricane, that way , it won't hit too hard,the events prior,should've been strengthening you for what's to come. Then after that, you work on salvaging what you can and next time, lessening the effects, and also appreciating the change, it might've shifted your life into an undesired direction for the desired outcome.
~ A pocket full of unforeseen events, for a bucket of change~
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