TidBits from Mish: How do you stop talking to Someone? Or Rather, Stop yourself from doing it.

"How do you , not talk to people?". 
"It's simple. You just don't talk to them." 

Don't you wish it could be that easy, well it is easy for people you genuinely don't care about or persons you've just outgrown but sometimes, when the time is right, you have to let some people go, right?  If you sent the last text and don't want to see that blue tick, delete the chat. If they sent the last text and the words bother you, delete the message. I think the new age that we millenials grew up in , really changed communication. In your mom or grandmother's day, if your letter got lost in the mail , or just simply wasn't returned. Communication ended there. There was no blue tick for you to feel uncomfortable about , no late night phone calls for you to pine over , no unread message to get you feeling some type of way.  Today, these things are so annoying. But honey, sometimes you just gotta cut them off with your eyes closed, hell even with you eyes open because you're thinking about it for a reason. Whatever that reason is, if it's valid to you, then it's valid and that's  all you need. Different individuals affect your energy in different ways and honey, that cloud of negativity and drained energy is not what you need. So cut it.  Of course the best way to stop talking to someone you're not really feeling , is to slowly let it fade and that helps with still keeping a neutral relationship but some of those dull conversations or whatever need a sharp scissors. That's it.  Cut it before it cuts you. 

(tidbits from mish)


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