February 14th.


   So it's February! What's in the air? Black, Blackity, Black ,Black, History, early Ash Wedneday in my opinion and that day , you know that day you dream about since like twelve years old, heard all the reasons why different people don't celebrate it, yeah that one. Valentines Day.  Listen , a post concerning things of this manner has been brewing for a while but what better time to crush little girl's hearts than now right? Right! Lol I'm totally kidding 😁. 
So here it is, the truth about Valentines Day.  If you're single click this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7a66clRobKI , it makes reading this way better, or not, Whatever. 

1. "I don't celebrate Valentines day".
 Lol, I've heard this, you've heard it, your MOTHER has heard it. Listen, guys will tell you they don't celebrate Valentines Day, so they don't have to get you a gift.  Now there are different takes on it, If you guys are having sex and he hits you with that. Ooooh sis, idk what to tell you, but I'll let you in on a well known bit of info, click the link PSA . Lol, I'm just joking but basically the meaning of Valentines Day sans the origin is basically to show your love and appreciation for your partner right? So If you do love them in actuality, why not celebrate it? Even though you should show them that you love them everyday, sometimes it gets a little blase as things normally do, so the added spice should be welcomed , you can reassure her/him of your love and the thing people generally think is, it has to be a gift. It doesn't have to, but a token of representation for said love is a good idea, just saying. Smh men. 

2. Arguing over Nothing. (Shakey)
 So sis, it's February, if you start noticing an unusual pattern of behavior from your guy....well.... tell me what you think? Boys do this, well Fboys do this but I mean show me a guy who isn't a Fboy in one way or the other. Out of nowhere, this guy is accusing you of the lord knows what, he's doing things to purposely annoy you JUST so you can get upset and stop talking to him and he'll put out no effort so solve things UNTIL feb.15. But most likely if this happens to you. you're probably a side chick , I'm just being blunt here. So get you another nigga. 😀.

3. Single.
So for everyone whose single, don't be a grouch, They're probably being cheated on anyway, Lol I'm kidding, or am I? Maybe not, anyway being single on valentines day shouldn't be an issue for you because it's not only for lovers, I mean can't you buy your mom a gift? Can't you buy your other single friend a gift, If you care about him/her that much? People tend to be sulky about not being in a relationship and not receiving a gift and it seriously annoys me. You have friends and family members or if you don't want to do that , ignore it all. It's not that serious.

4. Receiving end.
I've heard guys mention this , so I think its a good idea to include.  Girls, you're  not the only one who deserves a gift. Some of you are CHEAP , you guys want bridgets but only want to give the guy a $2500 watch from a jewelry store downtown that'll start rusting the next week. Woah am I draping my own shirt? Lol naa but your shirt needs to be ironed out, yh you , the person reading this that's guilty of all that. I see you.  Lol no but seriously some girls only offer sex and pretty (lol) face and they expect a 3 course meal, promise ring, and all the flair. Get over yourselves. Get the guy atleast a cologne, damn. 

~Tend to the fire that sparks the light of love and passion in your own life, first.~ 



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