Stepping into Sixth
We're all aware of sixth form right? We see the sixth formers in all their glory each September , stepping in like they made it, lounging about under the trees or in the gazebo, on their block, having a grand time, then Jan-February rolls in and you see them trade in their leisurely strolls for speed walking and instead of chilling in the library, they're gathered in groups around laptops talking about some theory or formula, and you also notice that a few of the upper-six class is missing, then by April they vanish off to go on study leave. Sixth form can be fun and it can be a pain in the rear , so here are some real truths and myths about sixth form.
1. You'll start the year hearing "Cape is nothing like 5th form" "Take your studies seriously" "You have no free time". Then you get your timetable and you have like 2 classes per day or all four but with like an hour or two interval so you think, this will be easy. Wrong. It won't. For the first time all your teacher's warnings will make sense.
2. It's not hard, it really isn't. The subjects are a little different, maybe a lot. One tip my school's dean of studies gave us was to remove everything we think we know about a subject, English Language is not Com.Studies. Obviously you can't remove all you know, but don't go to one class and think you know what's going on and say oh I don't need to go to class, all cape subjects have a way of getting to you by the second module.
3. Choose carefully. Okay, I know when results come out and you're extra excited you basically feel like you can conquer the world. You can't. Back in 2015 (I'm so old) after we got results and my friend and I defeated our mutual enemy, math, she told me she felt like she could take on some more math, I quickly advised against it and it was just a fleeting moment of triumph for her but listen it gets a lot of us especially those with no definite decision on a career , so you get a one in I.T and you think, hey I can do it in CAPE but you had help for your SBA, you didn't actually write a program on the paper and basically the one is really a stroke of luck. Snap out of it dude, Cape nuh know bout luck..
4. If you don't need to be there, don't go. Persons signing up for sixth form usually do it because they're not sure what they want to do, if that's the case go ahead, you'll experience a ton of growth trust me. However for those who are sure of what they want to do , please do your research to help you decide whether or not you want to embark on that journey for two years or just dive right into getting that degree.
5. Sixth form can be the best and worst time of your life, usually lower six is great and upper six is a drag , people barely care anymore by that time. However make it worthwhile, you only do it once.
~stepping stones toward the ultimate goal~
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