They're Still Out There
Nice people. They’re
still out there. Today while walking towards my taxi stand, an older guy walked
pass and asked “sixth form?”. Now, it’s
almost Law for teenage girls, that when an older guy tries to talk to you , you
tilt your chin , straighten your face and look straight ahead,totally ignoring
them. I was about to implement this strategy when I noticed the man wasn’t even
slowing down or trying to coax me into any corner. Just a regular guy, on his
way to wherever, so I answered and said “yes”, he then asked “upper or lower or
it doesn’t matter?” I replied “upper six”.
He then shook his head, smiled and told me to enjoy the remainder of my day and
went his jolly way. I say jolly because he had a lot of pep in his step. This
one minute encounter , got me thinking, that you don’t come across that type of
individual everyday.
A genuine Nice person, not just someone who’ll lend you a
pen without any qualms or lend you some money. But someone who’s all about life
and wishes others well and emits positive energy, so strong you cant help but
remember them. Now, I.m pessimistic to say the least but I do enjoy a little positivity
every now and then because Gloom isn’t always fun and I think I needed that
little ‘well wish’ . I’ve been a little moody and down in the gutters about a
few upcoming things and life overall, as I always am, but on days like these I can
appreciate and tolerate the ‘all about life’ individual. Because they’re
reminders that a little smile can really brighten up your day.
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