Expectations vs. Reality

   Expectations vs. Reality. the most popular literature theme, it's the second most identified theme by a struggling Literature student, (the first is love and family relationships).The thing I like about Literature is that it teaches you about life, and you don't have to move from your seat to experience it. If you're an avid reader, like me then you should be able to enjoy literature, the art, not the subject. The subject is a disappointment in my life. . 😢.  Anyway, the theme. It applies to everyday life, as on a daily basis, we meet different individuals, and upon first glance you start making assumptions, judging the individual, from their tone of voice to gesticulations. I take note of every single motion, and depending on who you are, you'll judge them accordingly, I don't give people the benefit of the doubt, because they're human and we all have issues and so no individual is perfect. The few times I have given someone the benefit of the doubt, they turned out to be completely different. Big 360 turn on me, so I'm back to my usual way of judging characters.
  Human beings switch it up every time, unpredictable beings, because even if you can predict someone's everyday actions/routine, you never know what they'll do. So you expect them to be a certain way, but then in another environment and light, they're not. With another individual, they're completely different. Everyone has different sides that make up their distinct personality, and while the expectation aspect of the theme rests on the reader and observers, the only person, completely sure of the reality, is the individual themselves. 

But I think this was already a known fact, However as usual recent events led me to write about this topic, not the full extent but just my immediate thoughts. 


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