What are they gonna say?
Have you ever wanted to do something or go somewhere but your parent decided against it , and their only explanation basically boiled down "what will people say". Yeah, I saw an interesting tweet concerning this, basically the person was saying our parents are "what will people say" people and we're "why do you care" people, so what will our kids be. I think they'll be genuine "I don't care" people. In my opinion our generation is packed with a bunch of fakes. Fake woke, fake this, fake that. Not that we don't want to be the people we say we are, but with the influence of the previous generation it's still a task to follow through completely. For example, a child is taught to say good evening, good afternoon when they pass older people, my grandmother expects it to be said even if I pass them ten times, my aunt expects it at least once, I only say it if they're appreciative of it and acknowledge's it but when I pass them without uttering a word I get antsy because I know they expect it and I can feel their eyes piercing my skin but on the exterior you wouldn't know because I walk with my chin up, follow? So I believe that with our facade , our children will then take on our beliefs externally and internally.
I'm really bummed when anyone tells me about "how will it look" or "what will people say" of course I'm guilty of it myself but not often because for the most part there are genuinely things I don't care about, this is to say that my previous statements don't apply to every situation we're half way there and hopefully the next generation will be there 100% or at least 3/4 . Continuing, you can't please anyone but yourself because everything about everyone varies from your own, even if it's the tiniest detail, so thinking about what people have to say will please no one . Do you. But you already knew that right? We're millennials after all , we're smart kids 😉
Your wind blows you to your personal direction, not the world's
I'm really bummed when anyone tells me about "how will it look" or "what will people say" of course I'm guilty of it myself but not often because for the most part there are genuinely things I don't care about, this is to say that my previous statements don't apply to every situation we're half way there and hopefully the next generation will be there 100% or at least 3/4 . Continuing, you can't please anyone but yourself because everything about everyone varies from your own, even if it's the tiniest detail, so thinking about what people have to say will please no one . Do you. But you already knew that right? We're millennials after all , we're smart kids 😉
Your wind blows you to your personal direction, not the world's
Good stuff, as usual.