Jamaicans v A Hurricane


                   Jamaicans vs. A Hurricane

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In light of the impending hurricane Matthew, that's been projected to pass over Jamaica later tonight , well really that's the last update I received, because of Jamaicans ability to turn everything into a party, Hurricane Matthew now seems like a played out event. Individuals are literally outside of their homes looking forward to the seeing the effects of the hurricane, by now most are inside their homes literally upset because the hurricane is leisurely making its way. 
  Though I haven't experienced the greatest storms Mother Earth has whipped up, I have witnessed a few. I remember two hurricanes and the damage that both did, however persons were hardly concerned about the zinc strewn everywhere and the trees that couldn't withstand the pressure. What they were concerned about was which of ‘ball game' in progress on the main roads to either get in on a game or to sight see, others were definitely sightseeing, laughing and having a grand time, being that it was summer and juneplums were in abundance, bags were filled with these sour plums and who didn't have a plastic bag could always count on their shirts to do the job.  There was Joy in the air, there seemed to be no distress,, no worry, if it wasn't the game of football it was the rush to get a chance to jump in the pool in the gully courtesy of the hurricane or just to sight see and have a good time, no one seemed to care that a hurricane had just ravaged the island.   There was even a point where I heard a guy shout 'mi feel happy like today a mi birthday' during the storm, and others could be heard walking through, looking for what? I still don't know.  
                                                 Image result for football on the road in jamaica   
Neighbours called to each other checking up, but it seemed more like it was something to laugh about than genuine concern.  I don't know if this is the experience of other Jamaicans, but it's mine and I doubt my experience is that unique. I can’t help but assume that this hurricane will be taken just as lightly, with the help of social media countless memes have been circulating, videos have been made, and others sound their views, mostly jokes. There’s no real seriousness to the situation.  Most of us are just extremely happy we can avoid school and work for a few days. Hey, I'm not complaining, I had a test Monday.  Whether this storm comes or not I'm certain Jamaicans got a good kick out of it, it's just a big event and you can't knock people for their nature, Jamaicans take everything for a party and a joke. I think it’s embedded in our makeup.


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